It is incredible how time flies! I look down at my tummy and feel the amazing movements and then think about the short amount of time I have left to see my little girl! It makes me thank God daily for creation and his gift of life because IT IS a gift!
Even though this week starts my 32nd week of pregnancy, I wanted to show you a picture after I did an hour of Zumba at 31 weeks.
I work at lower impact when my lower tummy starts bothering me but otherwise I feel perfectly fine. I say this now but 3 days back the lovely Braxton-Hicks contractions started. I only knew because I was telling a friend how different the baby’s movements have been only for her to tell me these were those so-called contractions! There is one thing having your mid-wife describe how the feeling is going to be like and another is actually experiencing them!
Let me just say I am getting a little more tired these last few days. I took extra naps this weekend and it helped! I know I sound funny because my mother has to remind me that I am not super woman and it won’t be as possible to do everything I normally do on a daily basis ALL the time.
Can you tell that I am having a difficult time pacing myself? I should not have a hard time lounging around reading or watching movies, but when you know there is always something to work on, it is hard!
Sorry about not posting anything this weekend. I mostly unplugged for the weekend and focused on organizing and cleaning or resting. Something I did fail to share with you is that Ryan set up the crib 2 weekends ago! It is nice to have it up despite the fact that perhaps the baby won’t be in it at the beginning.
I have been working on a theme for half the bedroom. The other half is Ryan’s office. Despite knowing we have limited space we decided that the office was going to be half nursery too. Talk about being flexible! There is enough room for the crib and changing table and closet space to put baby stuff so we are all good.
I recently changed from a green / yellow motif for the crib and wall decor to pink and brown. I have never been a person to like pink or to wear it often, but somehow, as I have been receiving baby clothing and articles in pink, I was inspired. I am doing a Parisian theme with cherry blossoms! I cannot wait to have it all up. It is true. I am growing a little impatient to see our little one, but I will cherish the time we have now.
So is this a food blog or a mommy blog, you might ask? Well, I cannot help it but it is a little of both but it is a journal of my life so how about it?
Menu planning has been a blast this month. I have kept on course pretty much up until the days I did not feel like cooking and Ryan was able to put together pasta and salad for us or we could go out to eat. We have 9 days left in this month and I feel like there are plenty of food options for the month, whether I cook or Ryan cooks.
We had Mediterranean night one evening and I prepared hummus, pepper salad, roasted potatoes with some pita. Originally I had been making some fresh chickpeas but they accidentally burned so I had to use canned. ARGH! Ryan told me “I can eat this every night, we don’t even need meat!” Now that is what I like to hear, because the meal was so easy to prepare!
I used a different recipe for the roasted potatoes. Even though I like my recipe, I came across Carol’s recipe from Vegan Splendor. Vegan Egyptian Potato Salad??? YUM! I read her list of ingredients and the cilantro and capers popped out of the recipe. wow! I could not wait to make them.
I used white potatoes instead of red potatoes and after they had roasted in the oven for the designated time, the potatoes were the perfect crispiness. Ryan really really liked them as did I. You let the potatoes cool and then add the dressing to them. I did not use as much oil because all my other dishes had olive oil already.
You have to make these! Add some hummus, a salad, and done! You have a great meatless meal.