I really made myself post because we have been SO busy there is hardly any time.
We moved out of our Michigan home last Wednesday and started our 2 day trek to Pennsylvania on Thursday.
It took 4 1/2 hours to load the truck and luckily we were blessed with lots of help! I almost panicked and thought we were not going to have enough space for our crap. We had gotten rid of so much already I did not want to think we needed to rent a smaller truck for more stuff.
The home was cleaned, luckily I found a fabulous Groupon deal for house cleaning that helped me from breaking my back. All I really had to clean was the oven and refrigerator. What a deal! It was super strange to have all the space in the duplex. Julianne did not know what to do with all the space.
She ignored all her toys and went for outlets, cables and more. She even found a roll of paper towel to tear up. It was funny.
Ryan and I drove separately. He drove the big Penske truck, which had a trailer in the back for my car, and I drove his car with Julianne in the back. I was very thankful for all the prayers because even though we split the trip between 2 days (6 hour increments), she took all her naps which were 1 1/2 hours long! Yeah!
Another plus is that we skipped taking toll roads and took a more scenic drive through Pennsylvania. It was gorgeous and very woodsy and hilly.
We did take occasional breaks for lunch, feedings, and even coffee breaks.
Nothing like trying to stay awake on the road.
The nice thing about almost arriving to our destination was going through Lancaster, PA, Amish country. We plan on going this weekend since Ryan’s sisters and my mother-in-law are in town. I will report back. They have been here in PA and will be here the WHOLE week helping us unpack and playing with Julianne.
It has been a total blessing and a huge help. Moving with a baby is challenging. It is doable but it is challenging.
The biggest excitement is that besides Julianne being so mobile she pulled herself up ALL by herself. She was so proud, now all she has to learn is to plop herself on the floor safely.
This stage is fun but also very scary. Outlet covers and security gates for our multiple floors will be ordered and more child-proofing will be required. I know I will not be there for ALL her tumbles but I am sure a vigilant mother.
Stay tuned for pictures of our new place!