I have an interesting review for you. I was recently given the opportunity to receive a KLUTCHclub box to review. This club allows one to subscribe to receive a monthly “themed” box filled with goodies from a variety of companies.
Each month, the subscriber pays $16-18 for $50-100 worth of products that are focused around health, fitness, nutrition, beverages, supplements, and skincare. These products might be some that the subscriber might not have heard of, even products that are high-end.
What did I get? For the month of August the theme was “Health-On-The-Go” On-the-go is my middle name nowadays so the contents of the box seemed very attractive when I first opened it.
As some may know, I am now 5 months pregnant and lots of things have changed in my life again. Since moving to a new location, working out at a local gym is pretty non-existent. The other thing is finding close natural health food stores that do not break the wallet.
I was glad to see that some of the items in the box were going to help with these current issues. In the box of several items to test and try immediately, like the vitamin supplements called BioPharma Supplements. Unfortunately since I am pregnant I am not taking any other supplements other than my prenatals, flax oil and safe supplements, so I could not tell you how these were.
The same thing goes for the aloe vera juice. Aloe vera juice can cause uterine contractions and even lower blood sugar levels so I decided not to risk it.
Side note: I had a chance to see what items I was receiving this month but it did not dawn on me that I would not be able to try or test some of them until I received the box. Blame it on pregnancy brain.
I did however enjoy the fact I got to try this new online program. Seeing that I have that issue of not going workout classes, they could come to me. I have viewed some and plan to use them. I can watch them from my TV and vary my exercises.
How about the edibles? I received Popcorners Corn Chips in Sea Salt. I am totally digging the corn chip flavor nowadays and I could not believe these were not fried. All air popped and gluten-free too.
GoNola in the Wild Blueberry flavor was also included. I like granola anytime. Pour it over yogurt or oatmeal and I am happy. The size you see in the picture is how the company supply’s this product. Even though they sell this product in some stores you can buy a package of 24 for $25.
I leave the last two items last because I liked them the BEST! Every time I go to a Japanese restaurant, I always order their seaweed salad. It is fresh and healthy and addictive.
I was super excited to try this Seaweed Salad On the Go. All I had to do was add water to the seaweed, let it expand for 5 minutes and then add the seasoning pack.All healthy ingredients with no MSG.
The last item I enjoyed was the Twistband. I quickly visited the site and learned that it was created by a mother who needed to hair pulled up and away from her babies. No scrunchies or uncomfortable twisties were needed but a stylish twist band that still was able to hold up the hair in a ponytail. I loved it and it was gentle on my cranium. Ha! Anything pulled too tightly on my head gives me headaches.
Go check them out.
There are several items I did not picture but are all mostly vouchers or coupon codes to try products. Yet again, this is totally my fault for not really looking at what I was getting. I received a voucher of $50 to go towards the purchase of Tieks, which are stylish, trendy, and and high-quality flats. After using the voucher the flats would still be $100 and that certainly is not in my budget even though they are SUPER cute, I would never shell that much money. If anyone is interested I can send you my voucher by mail. Let me know!
Even though these boxes have received great reviews from others, like Shape and Glamour, I have to say that I was not THAT impressed with this box. I liked all the edibles so that is a plus.
Do not get me wrong. I am going to be on the lookout for some other KLUTCHclub boxes in the upcoming months. If anything I totally would have gone for the KLUTCHclub box in May:
Check out KLUTCHclub on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Go to their website and peruse boxes for women and men in the up and coming months. They might be of interest to some of you. Order your first month HERE