I can never give up having too many bags.
My husband calls me the bag lady and constantly has me getting rid of them. “Why do we need so many?” Yes, you know those recyclable bags from Whole Foods or any grocery store? I like those a lot.
These are perfect for travel and for toting things especially when you have a small child.
When I was asked if I would like to review one of these custom tote bags I definitely said yes. Since our move from Michigan I realized I had gotten rid of too many bags. Ha ha, such an excuse right? Well, my real excuse was to have another tote for Julianne, our baby girl. 🙂
We currently use this Carter’s diaper bag in a giraffe design.
While it is great, I have started noticing that I would like an overnight bag to go with her diaper bag. This would include space for more toys, clothes, and towel.
I was happy to see that Simply-Bags carried a tote in the same green shade as
the diaper bag I owned. I was given the opportunity to have it embroidered too! I then decided to have Julianne’s initials embroidered. How great!
When I received the tote I was so surprised by lightness of the bag. I did not doubt that it would serve its purpose. I have been using it for the last 3 weeks to carry the Ergo, along with her food for the day and some toys. It is not a burden to carry that bag along with the diaper bag. It is truly light and it matches the diaper bag.
The bag is lined, with an inside zip pocket and snap closure. This particular tote is available in green, turquoise and autumn orange.
While I am not using this bag as a diaper bag, the company does carry their own line of diaper bags, which can be embroidered. What a nice gift this would make!
Check out their website to see the VARIETY of totes they offer. Here are a few more to choose from:
How cool are those? I hope you get to check them out. Christmas is coming up soon and these would be great gifts. 🙂