My children are growing fast and I simply do not know how to respond! I keep taking photos to keep to keep track of their changing looks and I simply cannot believe it! Do you ever look at your lives and realize you are in your 30s with kids? Some days I wake up and it is surreal, but surreal in a good way.
I have two kids under the age of 2 and it is flying by quickly. Some days are hard and other days are breezy but I know my gaze and my self has to turned toward Christ DAILY. I was blessed to be a part of a women’s conference this past weekend and I was filled with God’s promises and encouraged by other women.
You know what made it extra special as well? My hubby took care of the girls on the weekend. It was freeing and relaxing being able to sit and concentrate hearing God’s Word and singing. Even though I can do that on Sunday’s it is challenging since we are church training our kiddos. Sounds funny eh?
My hubby is a HUGE helper and really makes sure I get some time off. I really do not know worry that he is not going to do a bad job. Who cares if my kids have the wrong size clothing on or that he forgot to brush their teeth? The fact is that I am elated and blessed when I hear that they were easy for him when I think in reality is that they have a change from being with mommy all the time. 🙂
I love seeing how the sister relationship is developing and even though we have had to redirect how the older sister might be acting she really loves her baby sister. Sometimes it is hard not to always give the attention to the oldest and first baby in your life but God has greater plans and they come in these small packages.
What is the greatest challenge in your life right now?