Everyone knows that when the New Year rolls around we immediately want a new you. New Year’s resolutions are started and usually abandoned quickly or new diets are started and quickly are forgotten. In year’s past I would fit that pattern but then I just came to terms that I was not going to start something that I was doomed to fail eventually.
Since having 2 kids, it has been super easy to make excuses for the way I handled my life. Everything else came first and I came last. In the last month I started asking God to give me strength to have discipline because I KNEW for sure I had not been able to do anything in the last year and a half. When it comes to food, I just simply decide that portion control does not exist, but at the end I come to realize that “man does not live by bread alone but on the every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)
You know what knocked some sense? After I realized I have neglected myself in 3 years with going to the dentist, doctor and everything else, I knew I needed to get my diet under control. There is one thing being a food blogger and eating food and there is another just simply controlling the amount and the type of food I fed myself. I was 30 pounds lighter and on the way to a healthy weight after having my first daughter then when I found out I was pregnant with my second I said I would be able to get back on the bandwagon, because after all, a pregnant woman should not be denied anything. It is just plain stupid. Cravings are just what they are, cravings. Moderation did not exist and I simply can not live without applying this to my life.
How does this all apply to my juice cleanse? Well, I got the opportunity to review a 3-day cleanse with Skinny Limits and I simply knew it was meant to be and I had to do it. I knew I would be very ready for a cleanse especially after coming from our Disney trip. I actually wanted nothing with food after we came back and in a sense that is probably why I have not posted much lately. I have been evaluating my eating habits and everything else. I don’t have to be vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free or anything else to realize that the trouble is with the amount of food that I eat versus the type of food I eat.
Here is a little about the company. I am excited that Skinny Limits is based in Austin, Texas because I’m originally from Houston. Even thought I am practically new in the East Coast, I can’t help being excited about a Texas-based business.
1 Balance (Green Ginger)
2 Green Firefly (Kale Pineapple)
1 Triangle (Carrot Juice)
1 Crescent Moon (Cashew Nut Milk)
I also love that I could travel with these bottles and continue with my fast. On day 3 of my fast I attended The Philadelphia Inquirer Travel Show which was a bit hard with all the food samples and demos but it continued to teach me discipline so I survived my test. If you are a mom, doing the fast will be a little challenging because there will be moments your body will feel tired. I read my signs and took a nap with my kids. I also decided to do the fast over a weekend so I could start a new week on eating clean.