It’s Valentine’s Day and hopefully you have something planned for your loved one or not. If you’re single, you can still plan something with your friends. We are all trying to stay healthy in our home and hopefully the hubby and I will be able to celebrate tomorrow.
I recently had the chance to check out a NEW book called Loveology, released on the 4th of this month that is very attractive to the eye. Who doesn’t want to read something in pink with the words love all over it? I know there are a lot of books, especially secular books, with theories about love but it has been a while since I read one that has been so dead on especially on what Scripture says.
Have you ever questioned what the point of marriage was all about or why we had to love at all? Are you scared to get married at all because you feel like everyone around you is getting divorced? Did you ever feel unsatisfied having casual sex, always feeling empty at the end? Are you looking to get married but have not had successful attempts at dating or do you feel like you are doomed to singleness? Are you newly married and already feel the flame of intense love dwindling? This book is for you!
My hubby and I have been married almost 6 years and have 2 little girls and I have to say that marriage is more than I imagined it to be. I never had all the answers but I knew the 2 years of my single life I was resolved to give up on dating and just wait on God’s will and plan for my life.
What is marriage for? Well marriage definitely exists for something larger than itself especially when you learn that love is not only a noun but a verb which means it is a feeling and an action. All this is described in depth in the book.
The author, John Mark Comer, lead pastor of Bridgetown: A Jesus Church in Portland, OR, “breaks down for young adults everywhere how a relationship should function and what a healthy marriage looks like, based on what God designed marriage, sex and romance. Comer strives to shine some insight on what God was thinking when created mean and women, writing ‘Loveology’ as a theory on love.“
He breaks down the book in amazing sections giving scriptural basis for his explanation for each section. Here is a look into the chapters in his book:
- Part 1: Love
- Part 2: Marriage
- Part 3: Sex
- Part 4: Romance
- Part 5: Male and Female
- ” As a general rule, where the Bible is dogmatic, we should be dogmatic. Where the Bible is ambiguous, we should be open-minded and loaded with grace. And where the Bible is silent , we should shut the heck up.”