Every weekend I try planning our breakfast menus by making a large batch of crock pot oatmeal for the week. When I prepare it I sometimes add honey, molasses, coconut sugar, and at last resort, brown sugar.It is hard making sure that I am not bringing up my children to learn to be hooked on sugar. I see myself and really try to make a effort to minimize my intake but sometimes it is just plain hard.
I remember taking a sugar break with my husband 2 years ago and noticing how quickly I lost weight. The cravings were gone and my energy was increased. My dependency on sugar was far behind me. Now 2 years later, I find myself in the same boat. Instead of a sugary treat at my lowest energy point in the early afternoon, I make sure to take a protein shake. Even though I try substituting coconut sugar and molasses with white sugar, it is sometimes hard not to continue feeling that craving.
I recently had a chance to try a low-glycemic sweetener called yacón syrup, which is produced from the yacón root and grown in the Andes region of Columbia and Argentina. The perennial plant is compared to the Jerusalem artichoke and sunflower, but is considered to have amazing flavor and health benefits. This syrup was been featured on the Dr. Oz show and was tested on many women to prove the following benefits of yacón.
Yacón Benefits
Substantial weight loss
- Dramatically reduces waist size
- Ultra-low in calories
- Functions as a prebiotic, increasing digestive tract health
- Prebiotic effect boosts immunity
- Strong digestive tract health is associated with weight loss
- Does not cause blood glucose levels to rise/useful for diabetics
- Amazingly sweet and tasty
- Can easily be used to replace sugar in cooking
- Clinically proven to be very effective
- 2 cups gluten-free oatmeal
- 4 cups water
- 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
- 2 teaspoons ground vanilla powder
- 2 Tablespoons flax seed meal
- 3 Tablespoons hemp seeds
- 1/4 cup Quality Yacon Syrup
- 2 Tablespoon extra virgin coconut oil