I’m a Nûby mom ambassador and receive items to review. All opinions are my own.
We officially have very active toddlers in the house and as you can imagine, there is never a dull moment. My oldest child loves seeing everything we do in the kitchen or loves being independently get into her chair so we were happy to be introduced to the Nûby Step Up Stool.
We do have a lot of space for learning towers for toddlers so we made do with the stool and noticed how the girls used in around the house.
My youngest, who is 14 months old, copies everything her sister does. She sits on the stool and even gets up on it as though she is reaching some goal, then forget how to get down. She knows it is useful for getting to things.
Julianne, the oldest toddler, is always trying to figure out what she can reach. She takes her stool to her chair and gets into her seat. It truly has been a useful stool.
Truthfully, I use it too to grab out-of-reach items in places around the kitchen. I did not think it was that durable but it is! Here are a few more facts about the Step Up Stool:
- Non-skid base
- No Slip top
- Small enough to store discreetly
- Holds up to 800 pounds!
Very simple yet a very useful and convenient accessory in our house for sure!
Where can you find this stool?
- JC Penney
- www.buybabydirect.com
- www.echildstore.com
- www.kidslandusa.com