It has been two months since I have been able to truly workout since having my appendectomy which means all my workout routines have been on hold. One of my favorite types of exercise is Zumba, which infuses dance, aerobics, and Latin music. When I first started it was in a gym or private studio but since having kids I have been trying to find creative outlets to do these exercises. In fact, I never really looked at them as exercise but more like fun dancing to great music.
When I was pregnant with my oldest daughter, I pretty much exercised through all three trimesters, so I only imagined that my daughter would be born with rhythm which I confirmed quite quickly at before she turned one. I did not get to exercise as much with my second pregnancy but I can confirm that both my girls really like listening to music and dancing. It is pretty fun seeing them move their little behinds and twirl.
What is my usual routine now? I wake up in the mornings before they do and I work for a couple of hours. As soon as they are up we change diapers, get princess dresses on with shoes, just like mommy and I listen to my daughter say “I wanna dance with mommy!” It has really been an encouragement and a blessing to have the girls so intrigued with YouTube videos as I work out to various channels.
I have to admit that I sometimes let the videos and music running without my exercising just so I can see what they do. It is really fun, precious, and very easy to record a video and great when diapers stay intact with all that activity!
Pampers is celebrating those fun morning moments when baby wakes up happy, energetic and ready to “bailar” in his or her crib after a good night’s sleep. When baby wakes up dry and ready to dance, mom can’t help but join in the fun!
Parents, why not to take a short video of your little one’s best morning dance moves and share it with us? From August 18th through September 24th, parents can upload videos under fifteen seconds by using the hashtag #BebeConRitmo or #BabyGotMoves. Parents can tag @PampersBabyGotMoves on Instagram or @PampersLatino or @Pampers on Twitter or even share their video on the Pampers Facebook pages ( or
You and a lucky reader will also receive a basket filled with goodies that celebrate little one’s best morning moments, complete with a wireless Bluetooth speaker for the ultimate morning dance partywith your little one!
Here is what you would get in the prize pack GIVEAWAY:
o Jam Plus Bluetooth Wireless Speaker
o GrayBaby Einstein Octoplush
o Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes
o Cha-Cha-Cha En la Selva (The Animal Boogie) book
o Pampers Sensitive Wipes
o Pampers Baby Dry Diapers