It seems like spring is finally here friends! The sunshine has been shining and the weather has been gorgeous. I think it is still trying to make its mind up though. "Dear God, can we not have snow this weekend? Thanks!"Today is day 3 of no nausea. The books were not kidding when they said that nausea should subside by the 13th week. Woohoo. Granted....I must eat at my right time or else nausea … [Read more...]
Vegetable ToFoo Yung with Pressed Black Sesame Cabbage Salad
Friday!!!!! I really like the sound of it. Even though I am tired this morning after our normal midnight arrival from our Holland jaunt on Thursdays, I am surviving, after 2 cups of coffee. I only had 5 1/2 hours of sleep and managed to wake up at 5:30am to pick up my friend to break out with kickboxing. Whoa, was it super hard to get into it! After 15 minutes of warming up and teaching my friend … [Read more...]
Ann Arbor holiday weekend
After decorating our tree on Thursday, we decided to stay up all night and venture into Black Friday starting at 3am. There has been a long tradition with my hubby's family where every Friday after Thanksgiving they go out Christmas shopping. My first time to experience such a tradition was last year. This year, we wondered if we could continue the tradition just the two of us. We stayed up and … [Read more...]