Thursdays are probably the busiest days of the week. We travel a totoal of 3 hours to get to our weekly destination for chorale rehearsals. What does this mean? It means I do not get a lot of cooking that day. It means if I do, I am a pretty frazzled person. Ask Ryan. I am usually not a happy camper. I have said it before but I am not a meal planner and some times I do not believe I need to be in … [Read more...]
Coconut meat and yummy eats
How about that title? I saw some coconuts on sale at the store and decided I needed to try my hand at cracking a coconut, drinking the water, and eating the meat. Verdict? So much fun and very tasty indeed.First, I poked a hole a the top and drained the coconut water. I gave Ryan a sip before I chugged it down. It was SO sweet! The store has labeled the coconut as "EZ-Crack Coconut" but I had a … [Read more...]