From An Opera Singer in the KitchenToday I gave my body a rest after working out twice every day this week, which is 8 times! I felt it today and decided to listen to my body and pick up tomorrow with a game of racquetball. Did I share with you what has happened this week with our racquetball games? On Wednesday we played a mean game where I ended up splitting the racquetball. Here is what it … [Read more...]
Grilled Vegetable Lasagna with Parsley Hummus (Gluten-free)
Goodness the humidity has been "killing" us over here! I woke up at 3am, soaking wet. We usually cool the room down for 2 hours before we go to bed using our window unit but that did not work last night! It was SO humid! We try to take breaks from our home by going to a coffee shop, which is what we did last night, but after going to 2 different places last night, we were disappointed neither had … [Read more...]
Maple Almond Chocolate Chip Cookies
I have not posted a dessert recently but I thought I would go with something that was healthy but that did not lack in flavor or taste.When I saw this recipe on one my favorite blogs, I knew it was time for me to make another gluten-free cookie. When Ryan asks me like he is feeling like a cookie, I tell him I am making something new and not his regular recipe. I was not in the mood to do any … [Read more...]
Earth Cafe Review Raw, Vegan & Gluten-free Cheesecake
I came upon this company's name while entering a giveaway on a fellow blogger's website. After 3 days, I received my own care package of cheesecake to try from Earth Cafe. After talking to Craig, the sales and marketing director, I knew I was going to enjoy tasting this product.There is so much information on how this company got started and it is always an encouragement to see how people went … [Read more...]
Banana Chocolate Chip Bread
From An Opera Singer in the KitchenI was glad to see the beautiful sunshine yesterday after several days of cold and wet weather with a few snowflakes here and there. I thought Texas was pretty bad, but this random weather I hear is not abnormal for Michigan.This past week I was part of a fundraising event for the Holland Chorale. There were a total of 15 singers I believe that sang different … [Read more...]