From An Opera Singer in the KitchenWe had one day and a half at home after returning from Canada and we are off again to our normal schedule for the week, leaving again for another weekend. We have a wonderful concert in Holland, Michigan with my husband conducting and two other conductors in the same program.We are performing a Gospel and Spirituals concert with powerful pieces that make the … [Read more...]
Thick Chicken Tortilla Soup / Vegan Sausage Tortilla Soup
My first announcement for the evening is the winner of the Rachel Ray 2-piece Baker Set. chose Emma. Please email me! Thanks everyone who participated!So Ryan NEVER asks me to make soup for him but on this occasion I receive an email during the day asking me if I had my Chicken Tortilla soup recipe on hand to share with others. I gladly obliged, but then I knew there was more to his … [Read more...]
Thai cuisine: Baked Tofu / Avocado Spring Rolls with Thai Peanut Sauce
Yesterday it started snowing its predicted 14 inches of snow. Even so, I decided that I needed to run errands before I could hardly get out of the driveway. This is what it looks like today. From An Opera Singer in the KitchenThe snow trucks have not made it out today but people are shoveling their driveways and cleaning their cars to head out to work. Life goes on up in the north. If I were back … [Read more...]
Portabella Mushroom Fajitas
I first start off letting everyone who won my FIRST giveaway consisting of a canister of Lavazza espresso coffee, a bottle of agave nectar, and some LARAbars. These are all my favorite products that I like enjoying periodically. So the winner is Tanya! Tanya stated what she likes:"My favorite coffee...hmmmm, I love the stuff, how can I pick? I do love the Roasterie's Voodoo coffee with some Silk … [Read more...]
Bean and Veggie Burgers
From An Opera Singer in the KitchenToday was such a rewarding day. After a long week of hurrying around I was able to finally getting my hair cut and colored. It was way long over due. I also made a trip to 2 gyms to inquire on prices for membership. Boy! Gym memberships are more expensive here than in Texas, even for a student. Yikes, I mean how are student s supposed to to pay $400 in advance … [Read more...]