I am so excited to share a wonderful product that I got to try. Even though the patent is pending I cannot believe I got to try this product! Even before I knew about this company I was a bit frustrated with the fact that there were no reusable pouches available. I felt really bad that I had to continue throwing away food packets.
Lo and behold I found out this company, Little Green Pouch, was coming out with a reusable pouch to fill with food and here I was planning on making my own small fortune. Boo. No really. I am so excited that someone came up with this idea because it is ECO-FRIENDLY and wonderful for a growing baby.
I know that lots of people have seen that I started out my baby eating cut up foods along with purees but in the last month or so I have had a VERY picky eater.
Julianne has only wanted to eat fruit cut up in pieces along with some Cheerios but when it came to veggies and even beans, it was a huge negative.
I had to go back to purees and rightly so since it is important for my baby to have a well-rounded diet. I want her rosy-cheeked! Well the bowl I show above has no veggies but it is something I started out with when filling these green pouches.
Julianne loves cream of wheat and oatmeal and instead of spoon-feeding her, I pour the cereal in the pouch and allow her to feed herself. I am a work-at-home mommy and I start way early in the morning so I need all the extra time I need to put in the hours that are expected of me. Having Julianne feed herself is wonderful and makes her independent.
While she has not quite captured squeezing the pouch, she grasps it with a mighty strength. She knows how to suck her food and she gulps it like mad, as though she is starving! The beautiful part of this is that she is super familiar with how this reusable food pouch works.
She takes one look at me coming from the kitchen with the pouch in hand and she starts flailing her little arms asking me to give her the pouch. Gulp Gulp Slurp Slurp Guzzle Guzzle and the food is gone.
She caught on to me though, she knew I tried to put in a veggie puree and still rejected it. Well I am trying to make the right mixtures but this baby works with yogurt, cereal, and I am going to try smoothies next. How exciting!!
Check out the website on the back of each pouch. You can label each pouch with your baby’s name if you are leaving it with a caregiver or nursery. Each pouch comes with a reusable cap and the opening of each pouch acts like a ziplock bag.
You CANNOT microwave the bag but if you prepare foods ahead of time, the pouch can be warmed in a bowl of warm water. WORKS!
I was afraid of misplacing my caps but if I do the website sells more!
Check out how I fill the pouch with cereal. I used a spoon the first time and it was a bit messy.
It fits about 6 ounces of food. It works much better if you use a funnel or a glass pyrex measuring cup.
Seal the pouch and hand over to your baby or toddler. You can start using these as early as 4 months too!
I am totally sold on these and well, they travel really well. They are perfect at restaurants and outings. It keeps Julianne entertained too.
You really cannot go wrong with this company. For $14 you get 4 reusable pouches. Imagine each already prepared food pouch in the store costing almost $1.25 each. You are saving on waste and you can give your child your own foods and have them prepared on-the-go and ready-to-go!
Check out Little Green Pouch on their website and order these pouches and even more accessories and even recipes for your babies! Like them on Facebook for fun contests and even news about the company. They do have a contest running now through November 11th where you can post a video using these pouches. Have fun!