If anyone knows anything about me it is the fact that I love baby carrying. I have been carrying Julianne since she has been born and I feel like there has been such a special connection. I believe it is the reason she dislikes being in her stroller often but she just might be particular.
I had an opportunity to review this lovely sling which I believe came in perfect timing. Now that I am almost 7 months pregnant the Ergo carrier is not the MOST comfortable carrier so I am enjoying slings much better.
Joovy sent me theBabaSling in deep blue to try out. It took me a bit to try it because the weather changed on us from cool to nippy. I tried it in the house and realized that since my Julianne is now a toddler it was harder dropping her into the sling. It was MUCH easier sitting her on my knee and placing the sling over her head and body.
I used this several weeks ago when we went to the pumpkin patch and it was great because we did not have to use the stroller. We were able to take a hayride with the baby all cozy next to her mama.
This sling has 5 ways to carry a baby so I am super excited to use this with baby #2 come February. Right now, the hip carry or side saddle is the best for this pregnant mama. We have been taking walks in the neighborhood with Julianne all bundled up. The sling works more like a hammock and it has a nice cushion or padding for the baby’s head for added support.
The sling is 100% cotton which I love! I can wash it in the washing machine and hang to dry. The shoulder pad on the sling is VERY comfortable seeing that this sling has adjustable straps. It fits on either shoulder and it has second security buckle for added security.

I cannot wait to breastfeed with this sling because there are 2 discreet positions to try. It has a lot of material and I feel comfortable carrying my baby in this. It is also comfortable wearing her while feeling very pregnant too. I plan to use this sling when we fly next month. Here is hoping she will nap in this sling too!
I can use this sling up to the age of 2 or about 33 pounds so I am glad I have some time to use it for both babies!
Joovy is an American company and a family-owned business with facilities in Texas and California that focus on creating products that are good-looking, fun and extremely useful to families. I am for sure enjoying this sling and look forward trying out other products in the future.
Thanks Joovy for letting me review this wonderful sling. Where can you buy this product? Click this page to order one!
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