Julianne has been using this cup since she has been 6 months. She was still breastfeeding but I started having her drink water as she started eating her first foods. She would not take a sippy cup and it was also the same months she stopped using the pacifier. So many changes and transitions all at once!
Even though I did not force the sippy cup on her, I would try it every 3 days and she how she would receive it. She would bite the mouthpiece and smile and gnaw on it but no drinking. I then came across the ZoLi cup and wondered if the straw cup would prove to be different.
When I saw on their website that they were all about a product that was environmentally friendly I knew I had to try this product. ZoLi’s premium products and design make for an attractive product for parents searching for an alternate solution.

The first day I added water and handed her the cup she quickly started sucking through the straw. Who knew??? I figured since she got a hang of eating those food pouches and sucking down the food that perhaps she would get the concept of the straw.
Julianne loved the handles and she did really well drinking all her water. She has been a GREAT water drinker since she was 6 months old too! She would not drink her milk in there but that is a different story.

When ordering the cups I did not initially order the cleaning brush because it made it seem like it was optional. The instructions specified that water could be run through the straw. I quickly changed my mind about that. There was constant build-up and I did not feel like it was safe not using a brush.
I now use a brush to clean the straw daily especially since Julianne drinks her almond milk from there. This cup should not be turned upside down because it will leak. The seal did not exactly wear out on the lid, but I did have to make sure that it was placed on the cup correctly to PREVENT from spilling.

This cup also has a lid that is attached to the top that closes to hide or expose the straw. Julianne loves playing with that! The handles are easy to grab and what I saw is that my daughter learned how to place her cup into the cup holder very easily.
Another plus about this product? It is BPA and Pthalate Free Plastic! Yes, even though I personally used glass bottles for her homemade formula at 11 months I was happy to use this cup.

Can you see the weighted straw at the bottom of the cup? This allows Julianne to drink all her beverage at whatever direction she tilts her cup. It really is a lovely concept.
Thanks to ZoLi for letting me review these products. They have proven to be very successful in our home. I know I am not the only mother with a child who refuses certain cups. Why not prevent from having a collection of cups? Try this one.
On a side note: Julianne finally learned how to use the sippy cup at her grandmother’s home on the VERY first day it was handed to her at almost 14 months. Thanks to grandma and a fun sippy cup. 🙂