The Little Green Pouches have been my favorite product by far when it comes to the feeding the baby. Even though I buy some food pouches at the store for travel, these come in so handy, even more so now that I have a nifty baby blender.
I use a funnel to place the food in the pouch and close the seal and voila, the food pouch is ready to hand over to the baby. The pouch has a nifty seal like a ziplock to close the top section where the food has just been poured.
If you like leaving food prepared you can put your child’s name on the back of the pouch and leave it with the babysitter or childcare personnel.
Even though these pouches cannot be microwaved, the pouches can be placed in warm water to heat the food or the food can be placed in the pouch warm already.
Even though these pouches cannot be microwaved, the pouches can be placed in warm water to heat the food or the food can be placed in the pouch warm already.

My toddler still loves her pouches ESPECIALLY when she is teething. She does not particularly like chewing on food but will normally eat if I hand her a pouch of food. I caught her on a good day with the following recipe.

I cooked some quinoa with vegetable broth and then I blended it with sauteed onions and butternut squash and placed it the the pouch. It was consumed rather quickly! Yay!
Want a chance to win a 4-pack of these pouches? I will include some successful recipes that I have used and prepared for my little one. The Little Green Pouch has some great recipes on their site as well for future reference.