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I figured it has been a while since I really blogged about how I have been feeling since I have been a little busy, but I have been meaning to write this for a few days.
I figured it has been a while since I really blogged about how I have been feeling since I have been a little busy, but I have been meaning to write this for a few days.
Last week was my first week with my 6 week old baby and my 17-month old toddler. I have to say that I was BLESSED to have family to help for a WHOLE month, but boy do I feel the difference. The week started really great but by Wednesday I felt a little stressed and tired.
Well, I have always pushed myself to be the person who could do it all. I mean, everything. I prided myself in being the expert multi-tasker, but I realized that when it came to having multiple kids, it meant something completely different.
For example. I happened to be Skyping with a friend. I was breast-feeding my infant and Julianne was watching my friend and kids on the computer. Within 10 minutes the doorbell rang. I had forgotten someone was dropping food off. I told my friend to hold on. I answered the door holding my infant, covered, still breast-feeding. I showed our church friend to the kitchen and then thanked him. I was also making sure I was not going to run over my toddler. Oh, did I mention I had just gotten home from a quick trip to the grocery store? Whew….it was a lot and yet I managed to keep the baby feeding.
It is a whole different experience having two kiddos. It is a little overwhelming even though I feel blessed to have my two little girls. I wake up thank God for them and also dumbfounded that I am 34 with TWO KIDS!
Do you sometimes wake up and realize that your life is not about you anymore. LOL For that matter, have you ever woken up amazed that all of sudden there are children in your life? I find myself thinking about these facts. It is amazing how much children change your lives. I think I might have had my mother tell me how much it would be different but people do not actually sit you down and give you a heart to heart conversation telling you how challenging it will be.
I am thankful to know that I am not the only woman and mother who feels the same way. I have to rely on God’s strength and Scriptures to empower me because I KNOW I cannot do it on my own. I have had people already tell me that this stage where both babes are small can be hard but it is for a little time.
Here is something I want to ask though: ADVICE!
If you are a mother of two or more, how do you manage?
What are things that have worked for your family?
If you work from home how do you balance your daily life with these babes?
Thank you for taking time to answer but any advice would be helpful. I know that I am currently in transition but I know that nothing comes out of asking from others who have been in it longer. I love my girls and I want them to have a somewhat sane mother who knows what is going on, at least some of the time. 🙂