I found out this week or more rather that my husband has been craving something like this dish and he had not told me until tonight. There is nothing better than eating in-season produce. The body naturally wants it because the summer calls for luscious fruits and vegetables.
I recently started following and pinning all and every recipe from PBS Food. One of the food bloggers, Aube Giroux that posts on their blog regularly writes on her video blog, called Kitchen Vignette, that focuses on farm-to-table cuisine. Pick me!
I picked this recipe earlier this week and had pinned it because I was not quite sure I would make it, but the more I thought about it the more I wanted to make it. The recipe is super easy and quick even though the dough has to refrigerate beforehand.
This galette or fancy French pizza reminds me of France so much. It made me nostalgic for all things Paris. On every corner there was some pastry shop or cafe that one could sit and sip some hot coffee. So delicious!
Have I convinced you yet? The galette could be prepared with any veggies. I am already thinking about making it with zucchini or perhaps I would make a sweet galette with plums or peaches.
The pastry is adapted from Smitten Kitchen so immediately you should know that this is a no fail.
Check out the original recipe and video on the PBS Food page. The only thing I slightly adapted was adding Italian seasonings to the filling. Make this NOW!