I have had my sister this week and I really have not had time or wanted to spend that much time blogging but here is a nice list I found on Veggie Mama today. What are you up to?
Making : Plum Crisp
Cooking : Chicken and Rice in a Creuset
Drinking : Seltzer
Reading: Bread and Wine by Shauna Niequist
Wanting: To go out with my sister who is visiting
Looking: forward to a night out with hubby
Playing: Beethoven for my 6 month old
Wasting: writing this up….LOL
Sewing: Nothing at the moment…
Wishing: I could have more time at night to myself without having to feel SO tired
Enjoying: the cooing from 6 month old
Waiting: for my sis to come back with 21 month old from mall
Liking: the help that I have for the next 8 days
Wondering: if I will ever lose weight after having this 2nd baby….
Loving: this rainy weather
Hoping: the evening goes well for my hubby and 2 kids while we are out
Marveling: at how quickly these babies are growing
Needing: more coffee
Smelling: the granola bar I inhaled
Wearing: workout clothes and makeup!
Following: all the FB feed
Noticing: that it is finally the weekend!
Knowing: that this weekend is going to fly by
Thinking: how blessed I am to have a healthy family
Feeling: excited about going out with my sister. I love her.
Bookmarking: the same as pinning on Pinterest, right?
Opening: the door for my sister about to arrive from errand
Giggling: every time my baby is startled by the Spotify commercials.
Feeling: WONDERFUL that is is Friday!
I want to know what your up to… Fill it in and give me your the link in the comments below.