I personally like working for a cause other than my primary cause in life: to exhibit the love of Christ. I really enjoy spending time getting to know people even though my life continues to get busier and busier. I still crave a good talk with a friend or group of ladies.
In getting to know people you realize there is more to them than they share. Sometimes, they give you a peek into their private and personal lives, but sometimes the door remains closed and other times the dam breaks and someone opens up.
As many as you know, October is not only Breast Cancer Awareness month but it is also Domestic Violence Awareness month and as part of that, Purple Purse, The Allstate Foundation’s symbol for domestic violence, proudly represents a woman’s way to escape the cycle of abuse by gaining financial independence. Now in its third year, The Allstate Foundation’s Purple Purse campaign has pledged to donate up to $350,000 to the YWCA for programs designed at assisting survivors of domestic violence and other women in need.
Sad to say I have known several people in my life that have gone through this and as someone who personally lived through it, here are a few facts you might not know:
Domestic violence is an issue that impacts millions, but few talk about it. Purple Purse helps people carry on conversations and pass information about domestic violence and financial abuse by placing the power directly into people’s hands with a purple purse.
Domestic violence affects one in four women in their lifetime – that’s more women than breast cancer, ovarian cancer and lung cancer combined.
A majority of Americans agree that domestic violence is tough to talk about. More than one-third of Americans have never discussed the issue with family or friends and Purple Purse provides a conversation starter.
Lacking financial knowledge and resources is the number one indicator of whether a domestic violence victim will stay, leave or return to an abusive relationship.Purple Purse, now in its third year, helps people carry on conversations and pass along information about domestic violence and financial abuse by placing the power directly into people’s hands with a purple purse.
As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, The Allstate Foundation is sending more than 1,000 purses carrying domestic violence information throughout the country. The purses will be passed between co-workers, friends, and family, sparking important conversations along the way.
For every purple purse passed through the end of October, The Allstate Foundation will donate $5 to YWCA. We’ll give up to $350,000 for programs aimed to help domestic violence survivors and stop the cycle of abuse.
If you don’t get your hands on one of the purple purses that are being passed around the country, you can still help by logging onto Facebook.com/PurplePurse and sharing a virtual purple purse. Each time a virtual purple purse is shared or re-shared, we’ll make a $5 donation to YWCA.For every purple purse passed through the end of October, The Allstate Foundation will donate $5 to YWCA. We’ll give up to $350,000 for programs aimed to help domestic violence survivors and stop the cycle of abuse.
Be on the look-out! I might be handing YOU the purse next. Inform your friends, neighbors, family about this.