I recently received a children’s book that was recently published called Baba Didi and the Godwits Fly. It is a story of the birds called godwits that migrate after the summer is over to the south. It also the story of Baba Didi, or grandmother’s emigration from Croatia to New Zealand.
I thought it was a wonderful story to intertwine because it talks and illustrates the travels that both go through.
Now, you might be asking how my almost 2-year-old might understood this book. Well, she is not old enough obviously but she loved the illustrations and the colors on each page. I tried to give a brief description of each page, but in reality we worked on reading this book over several days.
Even though we love traveling with our little ones, trying to relay the “traveling” that birds and people do over different countries is a different story. This book is definitely geared to older kids and is a lovely story for adults to read as well.
I love the information I learned on the author, illustrator and the person who wrote the foreword too! Here is a little about them.
Nicola Muir is a teacher, writer, and regular columnist for New Zealand newspaper the Northern Advocate.
Annie Hayward is an abstract and figurative painter. She exhibits widely and has been commissioned for many paintings in New Zealand and internationally.
Helen Clark is the former prime minister of New Zealand and is now head of the United Nations Development Programme
Annie Hayward is an abstract and figurative painter. She exhibits widely and has been commissioned for many paintings in New Zealand and internationally.
Helen Clark is the former prime minister of New Zealand and is now head of the United Nations Development Programme
Check out a little more information about the book and save it on your Goodreads!