I have been doing SO much better with meal-planning because I HAVE to! Now that both my little ones are eating solids I have to have their meals planned and prepared so that I will not have crying kids in my kitchen. I also prepare my husband’s lunch in order to save on eating-out costs.
Our favorite meal of the day is breakfast and most of the time we are challenged to serve eggs in various ways. We love our eggs as does our almost 2-year old. She is now eating 2 eggs, but sometimes we need our changes. Most our mornings are pretty busy especially Sunday mornings. We really just do not have time to prepare eggs and sit down since we need to head to church.
In comes the crock pot. I really have never been a fan of any crock pot recipe because they usually lack flavor. I have to doctor them up or really change a recipe after it has been cooked that it felt like it was not worth the effort.
I saw many recipes around the web with different variations of Steel-Cut Oatmeal and I worked on different options for our family. It made a HUGE portion and a whole pot lasted a week for us. I placed the left overs in a zip-lock bag and then just scooped out the servings I needed for the days we wanted cereal. It was effortless!
Creamy Overnight Steel-Cut Oatmeal
by Noelle Kelly
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 6-8 hours
Ingredients (10-12 servings)
- 2 cups steel cut oats
- 7 cups water
- 1 -11-ounce carton So Delicious culinary coconut milk
- 4 Tablespoons Earth Balance vegan butter
- 1/2 cup coconut sugar
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 1 1/2 cups frozen blueberries (or other fruit)
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 1 teaspoon pumpkin spice (optional)
- flax seed oil
- nuts
Add all the cereal ingredients in a crock-pot and place on low for 6-8 hours. Mix and serve with favorite toppings!
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Did you know that So Delicious has come out with NEW Culinary Coconut milks in 11-ounce cartons that was launched in September at Whole Foods? They are shelf-stable milks packed in a Tetrapak Primsa and are USDA Certified Organic and can be stored in a pantry or easily in the refrigerator door, which I did.
There are two choices to choose from: Original and Lite and can be used in any recipe that calls for a 14-ounce can of coconut milk. These cartons will be available as a Whole Foods Market exclusive for the next six months.
Check out the following giveaway open to any US readers looking to try the new Culinary milks or the Holiday coconut milks available.