We have been feeding solid foods for a month and a half now and my second baby is REALLY liking it more than my firstborn. She asks to eat and gets super excited. When it comes to feeding times, I alternate b between different methods.
When I started feeding Kathleen, I started at 6.5 months and I spoon fed her. I tried handing her some bananas and ripe avocados but she was taking a lot of time grabbing the slippery foods.
In comes the Infafeeder. It is a bottle built with a spoon and it is all made of soft silicone and holds 5-ounces or 150ml of baby food.
While in the picture you see banana puree, it SHOULD be pureed well for it to come out to the spoon easily, so whether you are a homemade puree-making momma or a Gerber baby food-feeding momma, this would work well.
Even though I do not find myself using it all the time, I like the idea for sure. My little one started teething and chewing on the spoon and not feeding as much so it was hard for us to get any feeding done. This is ideal for all babies from 6 months and up and travels really well.
Don’t you love this look here? What momma? You want me to eat? Such a grabby baby too! If she had it her way she would feed herself but I can’t stand the mess some days.
You can find this product at Kohls, K-mart, and Ross.
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