Thanksgiving is almost upon us and it is hard to really think that another year is almost upon us. It is hard sometimes, but it also means another year away from family. It has been 5 almost 6 years since I have been away from Texas and family and every year is different. The food remains the same but the company changes.
We have been in Philly for over a year now and as we continue to get to know more people mu husband and I talk about establishing traditions with our little family. Since we seem to be settling our roots in a new place might as well establish traditions right?
When I lived at home with my family we talked about sharing our Thanksgiving not only with family but with friends. Friends with no family or family that live far away. Now that I am married I feel the same way. I really enjoy cooking and sometimes cooking for 2 adults and 2 small children makes for lots of leftovers. Not that that is a bad thing but somehow I miss sharing the fellowship over good food.
This year we are preparing to have friends over to relax and have dinner. As we continue to get to know them more, we establish traditions of sharing our holidays with others especially with yummy foods.
I plan to make the same delicious turkey recipe from Bon Appetit because once you find a recipe you gotta keep it, don’t you think? I also have a great cranberry sauce with oranges that makes a great addition. I look forward using my Threshold Cambridge Dinnerware set I bought at Target. It is perfect for Thanksgiving and Christmas too! Who could ask for anything more?