Food budgets can sometimes be hard to set in stone especially when trying to buy the right kinds of foods for your family. You might know that as pharmacy has generic brands for brand name medications, grocery stores also have their brands to compete with national brands. Are you one to buy the store’s brand over the national brand? Well, you might want to check out GIANT’s challenge.
GIANT Food Stores is encouraging customers who haven’t yet tried their Own Brands to put them to the test in a new promotion. During the weeks of March 16 and March 23, customers who purchase selected national brand products, will receive GIANT’s Own Brands equivalent products for free in the Buy Theirs, Get Ours Free Challenge. Among the products included in this promotion are hot dogs, cola, paper towels, granola bars and soup.
All GIANT’s Own Brands products are subject to a testing program, which includes customer feedback, to ensure that the grocer is consistently delivering on quality, taste and value. Based on this testing, hundreds of Own Brands products have been reformulated in the past couple of years to improve upon taste and quality, while still offering affordable prices.
- GIANT Brand Toilet Paper and Charmin Toilet Paper
- GIANT Brand Chewy Granola Bars and Quaker Granola Bars
- GIANT Brand Paper Towels and Bounty Paper Towels
- GIANT Brand Chicken Noodle Soup and Campbell’s Chicken Soup
We already purchase GIANT’s ice cream because my husband think it has a better flavor and it is a lot more economical. We will definitely be looking into adding GIANT’s paper products into our life since it is so similar.
So what will you get to try? Check each specific week to see what you will be able to test.
Week of March 16-22:
Buy Ballpark Beef Franks 15oz Get Own Brands Beef Franks for FREE
Buy Coke 2-Liter Get Own Brands Cola for FREE
Buy Charmin Bath Tissue 6-Pack get Own Brands Bath Tissue 6-Pack FREE
Buy Claritin Get Own Brands Allergy for FREE
Week of March 23-29:
Buy Bounty Paper Towels Single Roll get Own Brands Single Roll FREE
Buy Quaker Chewy Bars 8-Pack Get Own Brands Chewy Bars FREE
Buy Campbell’s Chunky Soup get Own Brands Chunky Soup FREE
Buy Ben and Jerry’s Pints and get Own Brands Pints FREE