- Almond Plus Milk: unsweetened, original, and vanilla
- Almond Milk ice cream
- Mocha Almond Fudge
- Mint Chip
- Butter Pecan
- Cherry Amaretto
- Chocolate
- Cookies N’Cream
- Vanilla
- Mocha Almond Fudge Mini Bars
- Chocolate-Covered Vanilla Mini Bars
- Vanilla Mini Sandwiches
I was surprised with almost every flavor and am happy to report that this line of products are delicious!
What is so special about this new almond products? I mean are there not so many other companies out there that already have options for us non-dairy drinkers? Yes, but there is something different that So Delicious has offered with their milk beverages.
Yes, the ever infamous protein. The one thing that so many people are concerned (mainly vegetarians and vegans) when it comes to intake.
So Delicious has created a milk beverage that provides 5 grams of dairy-free and soy-free protein with every serving. It also has 1/3 less sugar than a glass of skim milk.
The protein is derived from a blend of pea and rice protein which delivers a perfect balance of all nine essential amino acids.
So Delicious is the first to offer an almond milk with a protein boost! How about that?
The Almond Plus Milk scored really high in our home. I am pretty much to only non-dairy drinker at home but even so, my husband wanted to sample the products since he has on occasion tried my coconut milks and ice creams.
We have had the Almond Milk with oatmeal, quinoa and other breakfast items. I have even added it to my coffee. My husband stated that he really liked the flavor and that there was no real aftertaste like the other milks he has tasted.
Thumbs up!
Here is a snippet on each ice cream I was able to try.

The vanilla almond ice cream was creamy but I was not particularly wild about the aftertaste. It was pretty much the only flavor I was not happy with but when I added it with some dark ale, it made a nice float, how about that?

The Butter Pecan was VERY tasty. I like the pecan pieces in every bite and the blend of flavors are perfect. Buttery goodness. It would be perfect in a Peanut Butter cookie or in a Whoopie Pie recipe.

Who can go wrong with the Chocolate flavor? This definitely was VERY good and rich in flavor. It was the perfect dark chocolate that I like and I liked the caloric value for every serving.

Cherries. One of my favorite fruits. Cherry Amaretto flavor is great in the coconut milk ice cream and I like it just as much made with almond milk. Even though you can taste the coconut flavors in the ice cream version, I believe it is hard for ME to pick a favorite for this flavor. Both are great!

The Mocha Almond Fudge was my FAVORITE bar and ice cream flavor. The mocha crunch was so good that I was sad to see the last bar go in this box. My husband had one and he REALLY liked the blend of flavors as well as the fact that there was no strange aftertaste.

Look at this creamy goodness!
Overall folks, I like the almond products and I am glad that I will have an alternative to the coconut products, but I am partial. I really like the coconut products and treats. 🙂
The calorie value is definitely lower with the almond treats so this will have some impact in my consumption. How about alternating every night with the almond products? Oh yes I will!
I have been asked if I would post the ingredients for these products but I will just give you a link because So Delicious has it posted now. Every flavor has a link to the company’s website, so click on the nutrition info and it will list the ingredients for each flavor.
Do you want to try this product?
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