There was a nice theme tonight as I am getting better with this DARN cough! My honey was out on business meetings and I was left to have fun on my own! It felt very much a night full of red themes. On a grocery run yesterday, I picked up 4 beautiful POM pomegranates to have as dessert or breakfast options. Since I had some time on my hands, I peeled and seeded these beautiful gems. I was happy to know that it took me 20 minutes to peel all 4 pomegranates. I actually planned on having them sealed and refrigerated for the morning treat, but since I knew I had dinner earlier I knew I would want some sort of fruity dessert later. What kind of dessert could I prepare that would not require cooking or much preparation?
2 weeks ago I purchased a nice bag of Organic Chocolate-Covered Cocoa Nibs made by TAZA chocolate. I have been reading how they process their chocolate and all the wonderful natural ingredients they use to provide such a delicious product. A guy at the health food store assured me that I would not be sorry. Boy was he right! This little baggie lasted me two weeks because with a nice chocolate craving, a teaspoon or two of these little morsels will keep your sweet tooth satisfied. It was 67% chocolate, which happens to taste somewhat dark and bitter. My favorite! I am looking forward tasting other products of theirs.
Where was I? Oh yes, creating my perfect dessert. I took God’s lovely red gems and mixed it with these lovely nibs and what did I get? A power dessert! It tasted so healthy and I felt energetic afterwards too! Please try it and see if you do not think the same. Enjoy!
3/4 cup pomegranate seeds
1/4 cup Taza Chocolate-covered Cocoa Nibs
2 Tbsp sliced almonds
2 Tbsp shredded sweetened coconut
Peel a pomegranate and combine ingredients and totally enjoy!
Here is one of my newest creations completed last night. I told you it was a red themed evening for me! This little beauty is red coral on red silk thread with matching earrings. If anyone is interested, let me know. It is for SALE!