Hello beautiful Monday! This weekend went by so quickly but we enjoyed a nice stay in Holland for the weekend. Even though we had 2 sunny days, they were nippy and windy! Despite that we had this view:
Julianne and I enjoyed a 30 minute walk with blankets because despite the winds and cool air, I thought it important to take a lovely walk. We both enjoyed it a lot!

After I mentioned Friday that Julianne was almost on the verge of rolling, she finally rolled and now loves it! After I worked with her for 2 days, she rolled for her daddy after I walked out of the room. It was funny!

I expected to go through worse withdrawals. I believe I had nausea the first two days and maybe a slight headache but overall I cannot believe how incredibly easy it has been. My energy level is high and I am not having feelings of sadness and apathy nor did I feel anxious.
I also have to say that my clothing feels a little better. I do not actually know how much weight I lost but all I can say is that I have felt pretty great. Here is to week 2! Check out the pictures of the yummy sugar-free treats I have been posting on Instagram. If you are on there follow singerinkitchen!
One of the recipes I want to share is what I made last night. It was super easy and even my husband asked if he could have the second serving, wha??? Hey, sure thing baby! My babe is an ice cream man, so I am amazed when he wants to taste my creations. It was SO creamy, thick and delicious that I cannot wait to make it again. Enjoy this simple recipe1
- 2 ripe bananas
- 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
- 1/4 cup soaked pearled barley
- 2 Tablespoons cocoa powder
- 2 Tablespoons PB2 powdered peanut butter
- 2 Tablespoons chia seeds
*How to soak barley: Cover barley in water and soak for 2 hours or overnight in the fridge. Drain water and add to recipe.