I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Ours went by so fast I actually was a little down on Sunday because I knew Monday was going to be here and a long week was going to be ahead of me. Thanks be to God it was a great Monday and not to stressful. I was able to keep Julianne busy, distracted , entertained and active. I also was able to make dinner, clean up and give Julianne a bath and put her to bed. It was a long day but I now get to write a bit.
I recently started a new series on Netflix. Anyone ever seen Jericho? I love apocalyptic shows because they seem so real. I really want to finish the series real quickly because then I will feel like I have nothing else to watch. HA! I am also in the middle of reading The Hunger Games for the first time. I know. I watched the movie first and then realized I should have read the book first. Gah, but this is this first time I do that. I love it so far.
I wanted to post a recipe today because I baked a bit this weekend. I made a delicious plum crumble and accompanied it with yummy frozen yogurt. I also made a raspberry bundt cake with a lime icing for a potluck. Did I happen to mention that of the 6 desserts served, mine was the only one that was homemade? What has the world come to?
I also made some raspberry cinnamon rolls with lime icing. I had a ton of lime icing and raspberry puree left that I figured I could create something else. Half of it went to our neighbors (who have been real kind) and the other half we kept. Ahem…do you blame me?
Well, as you can see I had all the intention of posting one of these but I am holding off. I know. I am cruel but you will not be sorry.
Today I want to talk a little about my blog design. I finally broke down and paid to get a nice design for the website. It is really nothing too fancy but it is clean, fresh, and elegant, in my opinion. I kept trying to do it myself, but who am I kidding? I am not a code writer (I want to learn soon!) and I am not a designer.
I have been subscribed to Melissa Rose’s blog called 20 Going on 80 for a while now and I have been keeping my eye on her blog design company for a while. She is a lovely 20-something gal who is not only a graphic designer but she is also a baker, photographer, knitter, and more! She claims to have hobbies that an 80 year old would have. LOL. Quite humorous.
Anyway, I finally caved and decided to buy one of her pre-made blog designs when she was running a special. The beauty and reason I caved is that she creates designs for the Blogger platform. I do not know when I will have the guts to switch over to WordPress but for the meantime, I figure I have wasted to much time not having a nice look so I chose a lovely 3-column design and purchased it.
I am SO happy with my design and the process I went through to tell Melissa everything I wanted was super easy. She is super organized with a survey with questions asking what social buttons I would like on my page down to the column titles. It is all well done and done in the style of the pre-made blog you choose. I had my new look running within 72 hours with nothing to stress about.
How would you like to choose one of her designs?
Here are some examples of her designs:
Melissa has very generously offered to give ONE of my readers an opportunity to choose one of her premade blog designs for FREE, which is valued at $50.
Now remember this is only for people who use the BLOGGER platform. Good luck on the giveaway!