Here is another set of goodies I received for my toddler. You will definitely be seeing more of these reviews as I get to test them on our baby girl. Some will simply have to wait until the new baby has arrived.
It is a known fact that my child loves to eat. She started feeding herself and really will not let me feed her unless there is an exception, which you will see later in this post.

Although these products are NOT non-skid plates or bowls, they are deep bowl and nicely sized plates. They come in various fun colors and yet again are perfect for cold or warm meals. They are BPA-free so that is always a plus!

Julianne loves to stab at her food lately but the plate stays in tact. Can you tell we like pink around this house? I was never a pink person but after I found out I was having a girl, I simply had to have pink everything! Well not everything but you know.
Feeding spoons. Why would I need them now that my child is feeding herself? Well, if it was a day like yesterday when she refused to eat anything and everything I prepared for her then out comes the baby food in jars and containers. Thanks Gerber. I always keep some in storage because there are days where my child just wants a puree.
Don’t get me wrong. I do make purees like hummus and applesauce but she even was refusing those. We are dealing with a little cold and maybe a little teething so this spoon came in handy for our Gerber purees.
I loved the handles on these spoons and I really cannot wait to have our 2nd baby try these out. I always found myself with food all over my fingers when using a smaller baby spoon but this has a longer handle to prevent from any messes. Love!
Okay, so the only thing in this set that was not really successful were Grip N’ Sip cups. We tried multiple days and Julianne only chewed on the spout. Even though she JUST started using a traditional sippy cup she got used to that one and began doing what she was doing with the first cup with this new cup.
We will try it again but this cup is supposed to help transition a child from self-feeding and drinking. Julianne is somehow already passed that so we will have to use these for baby #2. It is a no-spill cup so that was plus especially since Julianne would chew on the spout and throw it on the floor. Okay. Thanks baby.
You can buy the items on Amazon or BuyBabyDirect, Target, Wal-mart,and Kohls.