Photos in Spanish is spelled Fotos so I decided that I would use it to have a cute title. Does it work? I am not big on using Spanglish anywhere in my world but I thought for this occasion it suited the day. Right?
The girls and I have been having lots of fun around the house. It has been a challenge giving enough attention to my toddler having a newborn but every day is a new day with new challenges and I embrace them.
The great thing about my Julianne is that she loves having fun and being silly. She is learning to entertain herself a lot more but I also try to keep her thought process going by asking her questions, having he repeat words back to me and more.
She is starting to talk a lot more and she is also screaming a lot too. I was talking to some moms at a park. One had an 18-month old and another a 16-month old and they were both saying how all of a sudden their toddlers were screaming either expressing frustrating, happiness, or just because.
How crazy is it that these kids and my Julianne have this in common because it comes with age? Well we are trying to help her not do it as often because she is scaring me and the baby.
Julianne loves playing with her sister but I have to be watch her because she loves feeding her fun snacks like raisins or bunny crackers. Whoops! Kathleen loves smiling at her sister and she has told me she cannot wait to play with her little sister. 🙂
Kathleen is a dream. God has blessed my with a quiet spirited baby for now. She laughs, smiles, and is a great sleeper and eater. This gives me a break with my very spirited and passionate toddler. Whew!
I mentioned on my Facebook that I can no longer leave anything on edges of tables or counters cause Julianne is grabbing them and consuming them. You’d think I was not feeding this child but she is constantly saying “eat, eat.”
On this occasion, Julianne grabbed a bowl of spiced butternut squash she had not wanted to eat for breakfast. I was distracted and feeding the baby and next thing I see is Julianne eating her puree in the middle of the living room. Sigh…not too much of a mess but still. She keeps me on my toes.
She loves pictures if you had not noticed. Here she is showing off her necklaces. Mardi Gras anyone?
Here is Julianne being silly looking likes she has some teeth missing after eating a bowl of blackberries.
What are some challenges you have with your kiddos and how do you deal with them?