Disclosure: This review is part of my partnership with Nuby as a Mom Ambassador. I have received this product to review and all opinions are my own.
The life of a mother and her kid’s sippy cup. I love every innovation of sippy cup we have had come through our house in the past 2 years. Some have been successful and some others have been duds. How else can one really find out which is good or not without blowing the budget? It would be easier just teaching your child to drink out of a regular cup as soon as possible.
Our toddler has been enjoying her Gator Grip Sipper for a while now and she has taken to it. When she first tried it, milk dribbled out of her mouth, but now she is an expert sipper. She could be running her soccer drills and grabbing her sipper but for now she is just running away from her younger sister who is one step away from stealing this sipper.
We have transitioned Julianne from her other straw cups and have been only using straw cups at home and at times this sipper to prevent spills. I have placed green smoothies in them and they have been great! Sometimes it has leaked but I believe it because I had not sealed it well. We are still using this cup and I assume before I know it, my 13 month old will start too.
I like the durable spout but the only thing we have issues with is having my toddler remember to close the spout. We have had a few small spills in the car but nothing to drastic. Here are a few more details about this sipper:
- 2 years +
- 15oz / 450ml
- Pop-up™ spout
- Free flow
- Fun bright colors
- Perfect for on the go drinking
Where would you be able to find these cool looking sippers?
Available at these retailers:
- BuyBabyDirect
- Amazon
- Diapers.com
- Target
- Walmart
- TJ Maxx
- Sears
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