I try to save money on not loading up our weekly schedule with activities that might cost a buck. Since this summer has mostly been a wet one, it has been hard to be outdoors. Even though I had grand plans of letting my kiddos dance in the rain in the suits, summer colds have impeded this fun activity as well and thunderstorms.
Most of our time is spent indoors, letting our two girls under the age of three to freely run and play with the toys they have in various places. Since being hospitalized, a lot of television has been our friend and sadly, it has back tracked the way I want my girls to entertain their time. Sometimes the scarves are taken out and we pretend we are a band of gypsies.Other times we wear sunglasses and lots of ponytails and rock out to dance music. Oh yeah. We go all out.
None of this can be done or created out of thin air. I feel like it needs to be fostered. While my girls are still very young, I try to explain to my oldest, who is 2 1/2, that there is a need for pretend. Slowly but surely she is understanding but of course, every day is a different one.
I love that my toddler likes pretending to be a princess since she is constantly requesting Sleeping Beauty. When I brought out dress-up time with a strawberry tutu and wings, she was super excited! She wore it three days in a row, twirling and spinning, and trying not to make her little sister jealous.
I figured since my daughter loves strawberries that now she could be a strawberry fairy, making strawberries available to her friends. Even though the folks at Just Pretend Kids only sent me the tutu and wings, there is a matching headband,wand, and body suit to complete the outfit. Since I was in a particular toy shop this weekend, I decided to pick up a plastic wand with floating stars to complete the outfit, so now my daughter knew her outfit is could go around changing her toys into strawberries.
It think it is fascinating to hear the stories a young child tell. We love music in our home so as my strawberry-clad fairy / toddler twirls, she sings, hums, and creates her own music. I look forward visiting the Just Pretend Kids site in the future for princess dress-up outfits. They have ALL types of collections for any little girls desires especially for those who love dress-up. Here are a few examples of their collections:
- Bugs, Bees, and Butterflies
- Summer Fun Collection
- Flower Collection
Want your little one to have a chance to have her own tutu and fairy wings? One US reader will win a pair of their own from their favorite collection. Follow the steps the giveaway entry form below. Good luck!