Thank goodness for a weekend that included one extra day for more rest. Usually these holiday weekends create excitement for this mommy because it means more time to catch up on important details that have been put on the back burner. Sometimes those are just thoughts that never come into fruition but I am sure you know what I mean, if you are a busy working mother.
Last night I feel asleep on the couch at 9:30pm, the earliest I have ever gone to bed in a LONG time, but it was obvious that my body was asking for it. After a whole day of catching up with cleaning, laundry and cooking it was only a matter of time for me to feel exhausted. Granted, I have to say it was my first time to feel like I could relax and give into my tired body. Usually I stay up until midnight working on writing, picture-editing and more but my husband and I have been talking about getting more sleep.
Food For Sleep. Are we aware of this term? As a child it was on occasion that I received a warm cup of milk before going to bed in order to have a more relaxed sleep. Sometimes this included honey or even garlic which ended up being medicinal as well! I recently was able to try Food for Sleep, a fast-acting, 2 1⁄2 ounce beverage made from foods that naturally promote sleep. It’s a safe and effective way to relax and sleep well once again and is safe, convenient and easy to take on the road or while traveling.
How can one small bottle encourage a relaxed sleep? Well, let me tell you that this little bottle of natural goodness did not let me do any more work after 30 minutes of ingesting it. My body relaxed and forced me to stop everything I was doing to only naturally go to put my body to rest for the evening.
The two active ingredients in Food for Sleep are a specific form of tart cherry juice from the Montmorency cherry and a whey protein that’s particularly rich in tryptophan. The scientific support for these ingredients is excellent (clinical trials published in peer-reviewed journals). They have been shown to help people go to sleep naturally and wake us less during the night. In addition to tart cherry juice and whey protein, Food for Sleep only includes a few extra ingredients to make it drinkable – like water and natural flavors. All of these ingredients are recognized as safe by the FDA. Since these are just foods, there are none of the side effects often associated with drugs.
Let me share how it works. Our bodies naturally make serotonin and melatonin – two important hormones for sleep – using tryptophan. The problem is, our bodies do not make tryptophan, so we must get it from eating foods. Scientists believe that tart cherry juice helps “jumpstart” the normal processes that produce restful sleep, including enhancing our bodies’ use of tryptophan. This might create a dual effect: first, the cherry juice helps you fall asleep, and second, it works with the tryptophan (from the whey protein) to help you stay asleep. People tell us that they wake up in the morning with no lingering sleepiness or “hang-over” type effects.
So how did I see it work for me? I definitely felt the effects at night when I took it. I fell sleepy and very much more ready to fall asleep. Our goal was to go to sleep at 11:00 pm so we could get up at 5:30 am. Sleeping 6 hours was still not ideal for my body so I think my body naturally was tired in the morning because it was too soon, BUT last night I took it around 9:00 pm after a long day to see how it would affect me. I did not expect to go to sleep until 10:00 pm but I fell asleep at 9:30 pm on the couch, waiting for my husband to finish his work. I fell asleep for 8 hours on the couch and felt great in the morning. I believe that my body only needed this sleep and the cherry juice and whey protein aided in me relaxing and giving in to the sleep I needed.
Now is this safe for kids? No, unfortunately it is not recommending for people younger than 18 and you should check with your healthcare professional before providing it to children.
Here is how you can order it. Each bottle is $4.00 and really only costs as much as a latte and helps you go to sleep. Try and 6-pack bottle and start forcing yourself to go to sleep at night for a better day. The flavor is tangy and sweet at the same time with a hint of pomegranate. Start getting a better night’s rest!