It has been a while since I have updated what life is like with my two young girls at home. My oldest turned 3 in November and my youngest turns 2 in February. I simply cannot believe how fast these girls have grown and even how fast time has gone by! Many of you might not know, but I am pregnant with my third child who is due in August and as of now, have no idea if we are having a girl or a boy. We find out in March whether our home will be dominated with females. How exciting!
Ten months ago I could have told you that I as sticking to two children because I saw how challenging it was with two little ones, but as soon as I saw other moms with their newborns over the summer and fall, I was convinced that I wanted to have more children. It is definitely NOT easy bringing up kiddos, but it is all a learning curve and I am happy to share those experiences with my husband.
One of the challenges with both girls has been brushing teeth and teething in general. Teething seemed simpler with my oldest. I gave her medicine, teething tabs, and had her wear an amber necklace and she was fine but then comes my youngest and everything is different. She is almost two years old and her molars are the only set to come in and it feels like an eternity.
She puts everything in her mouth, bites occasionally, and cries really loudly when it bothers her the most. While nothing really soothes her I was SUPER glad to know that the Nûby 3-piece toothbrush set was perfect for her. The three brushes in the set are to be used in the different stages of teeth development. There is one brush that allows the parent to gently brush the gums while the baby chomps on the BPA-free material. When my toddler continued to cut teeth I kept introducing the second brush but it was a no go until she turned 18 months and since then, she has worn one brush and is down to the other teether brush that soothes the molars coming through her gums.
I love catching her in the act, chomping on something she should not have in her mouth and ask her whether she would like her teether instead, which she promptly responds, “teeder pease!” The third brush was used to brush her teeth as soon as she started having a full mouth of teeth. The soft bristles were great and even caused my daughter to want to bite down and to start a brushing method.
I loved the soft pink color we received because my youngest daughter knew which brush was hers and always grabbed it. I encourage any mom to try this set of brushes because it comes in handy at every stage.
Check out the store locator to find the nearest store to find this product.