I have officially visited the Please Touch Museum TWICE in the last 2 months and with a different experience each time. If you did not know I have an almost 2-year old toddler and an almost 8-month old baby. I am and have never been someone to just stay home ALL day. I like being active, despite still not being able to lose my pregnancy weight. Nothing stops me but some things are little more challenging than others like going to the Please Touch Museum.
This museum is exclusively for kids to touch everything and experience everything around them so it means I have to stay behind them constantly. The first I went I went with a friend and her 16-month old. She had chosen to take her stroller in while I did not. I carried Kathleen in my Ergo carrier but that got really tiring for both of us. She wanted to see what was going on. Luckily, my friend offered the stroller seat to her so that became a break. I could have gone back to the car to get mine but we were deep in the museum already.
What else became an issue? Julianne was just so excited that she would run off (real fast) ahead of me and I would lose sight of her. Thankfully the museum has personnel to help with this issue. LOL. Someone promptly brought her back to me and we talked about not going ahead of mommy. That did not last long. By the end of a few hours we decided to leave cause nap time was hitting hard so we ended up not finishing the museum.
Fast forward several weeks later where my husband has fall break. We decide to go on a Tuesday and arrive around 10am. We started on the section that we had not finished but I needed to remind myself and my husband that this was a time where it was not necessary to rush my toddler. It was her time to explore and discover.
I was SO glad to have my husband with me because a baby requires attention and my husband was able to help with Julianne while I tended to Kathleen’s needs. I did set her down in the smaller age sections to interact and she loved looking around. She especially enjoyed looking at the carousel too!
The carousel was lots of fun for Julianne. She got to choose her own horse and ride on her own. She was beaming! If she had it her way, she would have stayed there the whole day.
The building itself is gorgeous and as you can see we took lots of pictures outside with the two girls. It was a nice day too! There is something about old buildings that makes everything so great. Take a chance and go and visit the museum. Try going with other moms that can help each other out or go with your older kids.