Disclosure: I am Nuby Moms Ambassador and review products .
Potty training. I am sure I am like any other person who really does not look forward going through the process. Actually, the process, after all was said and done, was virtually painless. We always heard that as parents we should not pressure our kids to potty train so when we finally saw that my oldest daughter, at 2 1/2 years old seemed ready we did a 3 day potty training session.
Summer 2014 went by so fast and kept telling my husband that we HAD to do it before he went back to work so a rainy storm that kept going for several days allowed us to potty train our oldest. It was awesome! She was really attentive and paid attention. She liked that her potty was pink, her favorite color, and that it was comfy for her.
So, how did we do it? She pretty much went around the house with no underwear. When she felt the urge she had to tell us and we would help her go to the bathroom. While it was easier for her to go number 1 it was harder with number 2. We bribed her with a lifesize Sleeping Beauty doll and princess panties.
Now that my youngest is is 2 years old, we have had moments where she is interested but she really has not wanted to sit but the Nuby Potty Seat has been great because we have had stints where she cannot go number 2 and the only way she will go is on the potty. I have always heard the experience is different with kids and it sure is. I am hoping that we will get her potty trained before number 3 baby comes so I only have one baby in diapers.
I love how light the Nuby Potty Seat and the easy clean up. My oldest daughter has easily learned how to clean after herself. The potty has been designed for both girls and boys and is geared towards kids 18 months and older. It is also made from BPA-free material and comes in various colors.